I just created a website for a Joint art exhibition held by a ceramic artist and a painter. I created a simple site design and layout, (based on a WordPress template) which helped to display the artists work cleanly and simply, showcasing their work not the website itself.
The site design needed to be balanced across both artist’s work, so the theme of pattern common to both was highlighted in the design for the splash-screen. This design has been used in additional promotional material such as flyers, and exhibition invitations.
Each artist had a page where their work is displayed, with large popups on each image to showcase their work.The exhibition details were displayed in the left hand menu bar, making sure that all relevant info about the show was available on the homepage.
The website was temporary ‘popup’ site for the lead up and duration of the exhibition, I have now changed the site to a more general site – HandmadeArt – an online art gallery where a group of enthusiastic artists offer their work directly for sale.