Each wood panel features a different animal – kangaroo, wombat, kookaburra and Koala, in eucalyptus trees. The 3mm thick plywood panels are backed with translucent paper to emphasize the outline designs.
How to put the box together
Australian Bush Animals open laser cut box components
There are 5 components to the box, 4 rectangular panels with cut out designs and a square base, each component has indented sides – these form the interlocking box side joints.
The interlocking edges of each part have been carefully designed so that they fit snugly together, once assembled a small amount of glue applied to each edge will create a strong joint.
The square base holds the whole ornament together. Begin by laying one side panel on a flat surface and slot the two protruding elements of the base into the lower edge of the panel. Repeat the process with each side, until all sides are on the box.
Assembly step 1
Assembly step 2
Assembly step 3
Assembly step 4
I would recommend adding some glue to the joints to complete this project – PVA, wood glue, is available in most craft stores, only a small amount is required. Dot glue along the indented joint edges as you assemble. Wipe off any excess glue with a cloth. Once all sides are on, roll an elastic band on the top and bottom of the assembled box to hold the box together and leave to dry overnight.
Assembly step 5 adding wood glue
Australian Bush Animals open laser cut box and PVA wood glue
Australian Bush Animals open laser cut box base
Please Note: The components of this box are wood and paper and are flammable.