Hello all, here are the details for our online class this Thursday evening, 21st May.
This week we are taking a look at the genre of domestic interior painting. Celebrating the compositional details to be found in the detailed depiction of one of the quiet corners in our homes.
Interior paintings have been popular across the centuries, often used as story telling devices, ways to flaunt wealth, communicate power and record interior design trends.
A high level of detail whatever the painting style is a common theme throughout.
I have used a photograph of reading corner in a room as our subject matter and created a detailed line drawing for you to paint. We will explore a few techniques in this painting:
- Shadows and highlights
- Fine detail work
- Brush control
- Glazing techniques
Do check out my colour suggestions below – I change them every week to match the painting we are doing.

If you’d like to join in, you can download my original line drawing image:
Domestic Interior Line Drawing © Karen Smith, May 2020, you may download this line drawing for personal use only, this image may not be reproduced or copied in any form.
For our session you will need:
- Your Domestic Interior street printout, ordinary copy paper is fine for this exercise. Make the print image fill your A4 landscape sheet of paper, there are lots of details in this picture!
- A spare piece of paper to try out your paint mixes on before applying colour to your painting.
- Watercolour paints: warm yellows, a cool dark blue, a yellow- green, a pale brown, a grey.
- Watercolour brushes, (large and small – round 8, & 3 or 4) plus a mop brush if you have one.
- 2 pots of clean water
- Rag or kitchen roll (for wiping your brushes on)
Domestic Interior Photo ©KarenSmith Domestic Interior Preparatory Watercolour ©KarenSmith
Here are some of the watercolour paint name colours you may want to use.
Prussian Blue – (C36 swivel paints)
Cadmium yellow – (C05 swivel paints)
Yellow ochre – (C38 swivel paints)
Burnt Sienna (this is a warm brown we will use with Prussian blue to create shadow tones) – (mix C17 & C33 swivel paints)
Paynes Grey – (mix C43 & C37 swivel paints)
Sap green – (C25 swivel paints)
Alizarin Crimson (C13 swivel paints)
Here’s some of the colour names you may want to use from the 36 Inktense pencil set:
Deep Indigo
Cadmium Yellow
Willow + Deep Indigo (for the shadows)
Paynes Grey (or mix Charcoal + Deep Indigo)
Leaf Green + Apple Green mix
Fuchsia or Shiraz